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Original, Customized Training for Law Enforcement, Fire, and EMS

We offer a full suite of mental health and wellness training programs and workshops for law enforcement agencies, fire, and EMS, mental health organizations, and professional service agencies 

Our training includes but is not limited to:

Acute Stress Disorder, PTSD, Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Vicarious Traumatization

Anti-Harassment Training, Anti-Bias Training

Awareness and Prevention of Sexual Harassment for Police Officers

Delirium, Dementia, and Aging

Mental Health: Knowledge, Awareness, and Safety for the Police Officer

Opioid Exposure Risk and Prevention

Promoting and Maintaining Clinician Wellness

Promoting Officer Health - Both Physically and Mentally

Recognizing, Handling, and Managing Excited Delirium

Situational Awareness Training

We also specialize in customizing trainings, workshops, and presentations for your agency's needs.


"A well-trained, well-informed, properly empowered officer is not only a positive reflection on the city and the community, but gives the officer continued self-respect and an enduring, welcoming presence in the community." - N. Greco, C3 President  

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